

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Meet the Teacher Letter

Dear Boys and Girls of First Grade,
Thank you for having me as your teacher.  I know that you must be confused about where the teachers are going and where we are coming from.  But, I promise you I am your teacher for the rest of the year and I am not going anywhere. Unless, I get a cold and a fever and have to stay home on Doctors orders.
I am sure you have a lot of questions for me, but let me share a little bit about myself before you get started with your questions.  Also, please read this letter to your families as I am sure they have some questions for me too. If you need help reading I am sure they will help you. Or, you can ask for my help and I will always help you when you need to sound out a tricky word.
My name is Mrs. Bartholow, but you can call me Mrs. B.  My husband’s name is John and he plays the guitar. If you wouldn’t mind I would like to invite him to come play some holiday music for our class. J  My husband and I have a baby girl named Ella. She is only one year old.  She is my most favorite person in the whole wide world and I love her as much as your families love you! My favorite color is pink, I don’t like lima beans and my dog is smelly (even though we always give her a bath).
My favorite book at the moment is Fredrick by Leo Leonni.  It’s about getting ready for winter. We will read it in class. When I was in first grade my favorite subject  was reading and my least favorite subject was math.  My best friends are Cheryl, Jessica and Jasmine.  I write a lot of small moment stories about them – and of course I write about Ella a lot too.
Before I got to be your teacher I was teaching second grade at Barwell Road Elementary School.  Before I taught second grade I was teaching kindergarten at Barwell Road Elementary School.  So, I know just what you have learned in kindergarten and what you need to learn for second grade! I have been teaching since I graduated from the University of Central Florida in 2005.  Before I decided to be a teacher I wanted to be a ballerina/singer/dancer when I grew up.
Let me know if you have any other questions.  I can’t wait to get to know all of you!

Thank you for being here,
Mrs. Bartholow 


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