

Friday, March 8, 2013

Teaching Garden

Picture Imagine a student planting a seed in our school's garden, and just days later seeing a tiny leaf pushing up through the soil. Tending to new plants teaches children responsibility and teamwork. It provides an opportunity to bring science, math, social studies, and language and visual arts to life through hands-on learning. Vegetable gardens let children taste the wonders of fresh food. Plus, parents, students and teachers can all enjoy the growing feeling of community that comes from sharing a new adventure.
Here are just some of the many benefits of adding a garden to our school.*Nature as Teacher
*The Law of the Land Responsibility and Teamwork
*Hands-On Learning
*Sneaking in Nutrition Education

We are in need of parents or volunteers to help us in creating a Learning Garden that will be established in the courtyard area of our school.  We will be meeting over the weekend (March 16th) to make this project happen.  Please let me know if you are available to help by click here. Thank you again for helping to make knowledge power!

Thanks to Mrs. McQueen for the great write up and image for the teaching garden!


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